Q Advisor

I hope to start this blog to help college students with the changes of Covid. 

The Q stands for quarantine. I am still working from home and will be until the end of Spring 2021 or even longer. 

 I hope to use the blog to answer questions while providing tips and resources for students both incoming and continuing students.  

We must teach students to adjust and accept the changes and show them the resources their campuses have to offer virtually. Most services if not all have been transitioned to be available virtually.

If you ask me this whole Covid situation is revolutionary and we have no choice but to accept and re design our higher education system to fulfill the changes we are going thorough.

I hope this blog will help students shift their focus from depending on their professor in class or the services that used to be offered on campus in person to learning how to find useful information or resources on their colleges website. 

We can no longer depend on the on campus in person experience.

For the institution  I work at we have already been told to expect to be off campus for the Spring semester also.

And honestly if you ask me I don’t think things will ever go back to normal. 

I work in NYC ( or worked in since now I work in NJ) NYC will no longer be what it once was before Covid. 
